Monday, July 2, 2012

Quick Update

Time surely flies these days!!  I just wanted to leave a quick update on my costume progress since my last post.  I have finally finished Padme's Velvet Robe/Gown from ROTS!!  I just need free time to take some pics so that I can do a write-up (wish me luck with that!).  I am also starting to work on costumes for my husband and myself for Celebration VI at the end of next month.  I will be husband and children free this coming weekend, so I should be able to accomplish something!  I still need to order fabric for one of my gowns planned for the con, but I will be able to order that this week.  Also, I will be making a trip down to Amish country to get the fabric for my husband's Bail Organa costume...maybe I will find some other fabrics as well.

I do promise to write up these costumes...I just do not know when that will happen.  Please be patient as I continue to work on things :)

New Costumes Planned for Celebration VI

  • Breha Organa
  • Motee
  • Atris

  • Bail Organa (ROTS balcony end scene)
  • Han Solo