Thursday, March 15, 2012

Has it really been since the summer of 2008 that I made a post ?!  Things have been relatively crazy around here...I started planning a wedding during the summer of 2008 and got married in February of 2009.  I gained three step-sons and step-daughter during that time...all in the age range of 7-13 years.  I also had a son of my own with my husband in February of 2010.  Needless to say, I have had little time to make any new costumes, let alone update this site.  Hopefully I will be able to start working on things again, now that my son is 2 and is able to entertain himself for at least part of the day ;)

I have no new updates to give at this time, but I do have three costumes in-progress with plans for a couple more before Celebration VI in August of this year.  I will definitely update as I have time.